Exploring Opportunity: Economics, Big Data, and Social Inequality

As part of the final project in HSS502 -Macroeconomics and the Global Consumer, Andover students are asked to investigate the economic and equality issues of a location of their choosing. Using the Opportunity Atlas, a tool developed by Harvard University's Opportunity Insights that explores social mobility data, students looked at the impact location - whether a neighborhood, city, or zip code - has on future well-being of its residents, including factors such as access to education and healthcare. Students also share their ideas and policy recommendations to help the community members who live in these areas achieve greater well-being and access to social and economic opportunities.

The following is sampling of student projects from courses taught in the winter 2021 term by Tang Institute fellows Miriam Villanueva and Elizabeth Monroe. Villanueva and Monroe are part of the team of Institute fellows working closely with Opportunity Insights to reimagine the teaching of economics at the high school level. With a focus on data-driven approaches to real issues facing the world today, these educators put forward a vision of what economics education can look like, not just at Phillips Academy but across educational institutions around the globe.

Student Showcase

The State of Equality in Ann Arbor, MI

By Baron Abrishami

The State of Equality in Lynn and Swampscott

By Graham Archer

Equality of Opportunity in Uptown, Chicago

By Andrew Beckwith

Economic Equality in Raleigh, NC

By Paul Franklin H Bitler

Two Sides of the Muddy River

By Sam Capobianco

Economic Equality in Lynn and Marblehead, MA

By Benjamin Carbeau

State of Equality OI Final Project

By Henrique Chamon

The Evolution of Columbus, OH

By Karoline Conte

Opportunity in the Methuen Public School System

By Amanda P DiNatale

Economic Inequality in Overtown, Miami

By Hudson Elegant

State of Equality in Charlotte, North Carolina

By Ethan Ellsweig

Wealth Inequality in Montclair, NJ

By Kennedy Everson

State of Equality Final project

By Alan Fang

Gender Inequality in Low Income Areas of Naples, FL

By Kyle Garcia-Rogers

State of Equality in Worcester, MA

By Eric Giarnese

Equality of Opportunity in Maui County

By Ty Halloran

State of Opportunity in Savannah, GA

By Sophia Hlavaty

State of Equality Final Project

By Christopher Hocevar

Lowell, MA: The School-to-Prison Pipeline and Segregation

By Nicole Jo

State of Equality in Lowell, Massachusetts

By Jacob Lapp

Gender Income Inequality in Kleberg County, TX

By Sam Lasater

State of Equality Final Project

By Jada Li

Economic Opportunity in Smith Hill - Providence, RI

By Corwin McCormack

Effect of Gentrification on Hispanic Population

By Tulio Marchetti

Economic Equality in Lynn, MA

By David O’Brien

State of Equality in Houston, TX

By Tade Omoniwa

Housing Inequality in Cambridge, MA

By Jack Palfrey