Opportunity Insights

The Tang Institute and Opportunity Insights (OI) have been collaborating closely since April 2019. Andover faculty have attended Harvard Professor Raj Chetty’s course, Using Big Data to Solve Social and Economic Problems and met with members of the teaching team to discuss pedagogy. In the fall of 2019, Andover economics faculty were the first high school teachers in the country to pilot modules from this Big Data course in consultation with the Harvard teaching team. To date, over 275 Andover students have used the Opportunity Atlas to explore the intersections of economics, big data, and social inequality.

This partnership has pedagogical dimensions as well. Andover faculty have helped Professor Chetty and his teaching team refine aspects of the Big Data course. Andover faculty are also collaborating with Professors Chetty and Bruich of Harvard and Professor Amanda Bayer of Swarthmore to author an article about the pedagogy of this course.

Learning in Action

The members of the OI team and members of the Andover faculty will work together to offer a professional learning experience for high school economics teachers. This event will be hosted by the Tang Institute and will bring together public and private school teachers to learn more about the Opportunity Atlas and the project-based pedagogy at the heart of this approach to teaching economics.

Meet Our 2021-22 Opportunity Insights Fellows

Ellen Greenberg, Instructor in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science

Elizabeth Monroe, Instructor in History and Social Science

Tedd Parker, Instructor in History and Social Science